Ultius criminal justice orders can cover many different subjects
Our writers excel at producing quality criminal justice papers that cover forensics, policy, and much more
Criminal justice papers are research intensive and require highly technical writing to convey a message.
This discipline usually requires writers to pull from peer-reviewed journals and use original research.
Quotations and non-original work must be cited in APA or Chicago style.
We work with world-class American writers who specialize in forensics, policy and other criminal justice research or discussion topics.
Specialist Writers
Ultius criminal justice writers excel with:
- Criminology
- Forensic science
- Investigation reports
- Specific law focus, and more!
Included with your criminal justice paper
All orders include the following:
- Citation page/source list
- Free revisions if needed (see terms)
- Editing included
- 24/7 support, and more!
No plagiarism, ever
Your criminal justice paper will be 100% original, and scanned for plagiarism
MLA, APA, or other, we’ve got you covered
Whatever style of paper you need, we can handle it

Scanned Daily

A+ BBB Rating

256-Bit SSL Encryption
Ultius writers provide error-free sample papers that have been reviewed for plagiarism, edited for style and mechanics, and created just for you. Samples from Ultius can focus on specific problems or issues facing the legal system today. Examples could be overcrowded prisons, mandatory sentencing, case law, and more.
Ordering a customized criminal justice paper can be done in a snap
Ultius makes ordering a sample criminal justice paper easy. Simply choose the type of sample paper you need and submit your needed criteria. This can include legal citations from resources like the Bluebook, research from the Justice Department, and other sources. Ultius criminal justice writers often have access to Lexis-Nexis, and other databases, to pull case reviews and legal decisions to support your claims.
Once you finalize the order, Ultius makes your project available to a pool of carefully selected writers. Only writers capable of meeting the criteria you include will work on your sample, and you can contact your writer to address any questions or concerns.
Our writers produce the exact type of criminal justice paper you need
Criminal justice is a broad term for a subject with many different specialty areas
“Criminal justice” is an umbrella phrase used to describe the many specialties corresponding with crime, law, and justice. It can encompass many different types of academic papers (essays, research papers, critical analysis, etc.).
For example, comparative essays can draw attention to two or more concerns, while research papers pose a hypothesis, and try to answer a specific problem.
Comparative essays in legal fields
Comparing prison populations, laws in different states, and other comparisons.
Research papers in criminal justice
Papers on forensics, law history, various law studies, and more.
Custom criminal justice paper
Specifically focuses on any topic you need, and the way you need it written.
Ultius provides custom-created criminal papers designed for every experience level. Some of the writers we work with have advanced degrees or have even practiced law. You can choose the level of writer and type of paper. We work with writers who have experience creating criminal justice papers for all subspecialties including, corrections, forensics, criminal rehabilitation, and more.
Frequently asked questions regarding buying a criminal justice paper
Below are some of the most common questions we’re asked before buying a criminal justice paper
We understand you may have questions about our services. Whether you want to know what’s included in the order, the style used in criminal justice writing, or how to communicate with your writer, we have answers to resolve your concerns.
- What’s included with my criminal justice paper order?
Every order includes free editing and plagiarism review. Customers can communicate with writers and have access to 24/7 support. Each order includes free revisions.
- What citation style(s) will you use in my project?
Your writer will follow the guidelines and criteria provided when you placed your order. If you are uncertain which style to use, the writer will use APA format.
- Can I communicate with my writer?
Simply use the in-house chat system to reach your writer. While writers typically answer within a few hours, it can sometimes take up to 24-hours to receive a response. Feel free to reach out to support with any urgent questions.
We recognize that clients will likely have more questions than those covered above. We have created an intensive FAQs section on our website.
If your question is not listed there, please feel free to contact us 24/7 or visit Facebook for more common questions.
Criminal justice papers previously written by Ultius writers
Below are some examples of criminal justice papers we’ve produced, and cover a wide area of topics
Criminal justice can cover multiple sub-specialties, each with their own long list of possible topics. We work with professional writers who have experience writing a wide range of topics in many different formats related to criminal justice. Here are a few sample criminal justice samples writers have created.
![]() Differences Between Civil and Criminal Law Civil and criminal law function on different levels due to each has different rules and outcomes. Criminal courts focus on cases where people violate government laws. Civil courts deal with people or businesses who have hurt other people or entities. This sample paper helps readers understand the nature of criminal and civil law. Continue reading |
![]() Causes of Violent Acts and Criminal Behavior Society has been interested in violent and criminal behavior since the ancient gladiator matches. Criminal justice experts study these abnormal behaviors to determine why some people commit crimes while others are repulsed by the mere mention of violent acts. This sample criminology paper explores the reasons why people commit violence and criminal acts. Continue reading |
![]() Socioeconomic Status and Crime Socioeconomic status plays a significant role in the nation’s crime rate. Sociologists study poverty, race, and other demographics to determine how they impact criminal behavior. These experts have linked a person’s income level and social position to their likelihood of committing a crime. This sample research paper argues that socioeconomic status is a risk factor for potential criminal behavior. Continue reading |
Want more samples? Check out our free samples page or use our site search. |
This list is just a short example of our freelancers’ criminal justice writing ability. We have more examples available in our blog that cover specialties such as nursing, law enforcement, health, child psychology, and more.
Components of a great critical justice paper
Choose a current topic, draw in your audience, and narrow down your argument
1Criminal justice papers analyze criminal law and society
Center your paper on current topics and consider how criminal laws impact social order
Criminal justice studies how governments create and enforce criminal laws to maintain social order. Experts in this field often create academic-style papers focused on legal and social issues and encourage public officials to act.
Good sources include United States government databases on crime statistics, as well as peer-reviewed journals and publications that feature cutting-edge and verified research on important topics regarding your subject.
A respectable, well-crafted criminal justice paper deals with a particular issue. Good papers focus on a single argument or set of arguments that are backed up with evidence.
For instance, it's one thing to state "that prisons increase drug abuse in prisoners", but such a statement requires evidence and proof to make it valid.
2Research papers are not the only way to convey your argument
Shorter argumentative and persuasive essays can draw attention to your hypothesis and motivate the audience
Writing a research paper can be a great way to convey your solution to a problem. Research papers are great tools for giving an in-depth look at the problems facing the criminal justice system.
Research papers are only one way to grab your audience’s attention, though. Argumentative and persuasive essays also draw attention to your argument and claims.
Persuasive papers use the three forms of logic to encourage readers to take a stand.
3Prevent your reader from feeling overwhelmed by narrowing your argument to one problem and solution
While research papers take an in-depth look at one or more issues, argumentative essays tend to focus on one main problem
These papers are shorter and are solely used to make a point.
Earlier we discussed choosing a narrow topic. Argumentative essays also use a narrow topic but only use one or two elements from your hypothesis. The hypothesis may state:
"Prisons are overcrowded due to mandatory sentencing."
Narrowing down your argument into a problem and solution
Hypothesis – "Prisons are overcrowded due to mandatory sentencing."
Problem – "Sentencing drug offenders to lengthy prison terms overcrowd the prison."
Solution – "Sentence drug offenders according to their situation rather than their crime."
Focusing on one problem or one solution keeps the paper concise and prevents the reader from feeling overwhelmed.
While this system may not work for every criminal justice research project, it does serve as a starting point to guide your research and analysis.
How to write a great criminal justice paper
Now you have your components, let’s put them together
Step 1: Choose a specific topic
Narrow your topic to a specific problem or question
A criminal justice paper starts by choosing a specific topic. Start with a general problem (i.e. overcrowded prisons). Research this topic and take note of other expert’s theories and research topics. Looking at other's topics will help you narrow your subject and find a point of interest.
General vs. Narrow criminal justice topics
General – Overcrowded prisons
Narrow – Overcrowded prisons in Alabama
You can further narrow this topic to focus on something specific.
Specific – How mandatory sentencing contributes to overcrowded prisons
Remember your page restrictions. Some writers are faced with the problem of including vast amounts of research in as little space as possible. Prevent page overages by narrowing your topic even further is possible.
Step 2: Explore existing theories
Review existing expert theoretical material to guide your process and flesh out the hypothesis
Criminal justice research focuses on theories combined with already proven evidence. Most of these theories focus on a specific issue or problem. Review existing theories other experts have already considered. Consider their approach and determine whether you agree with their assessment, then explain your reasoning.
Review criminal justice articles on EBSCOhost for ideas
EBSCOhost maintains a library of peer-reviewed articles. Review author’s pre-existing theories to flesh out your hypothesis and help navigate your research.
This information will help guide your research and reduce problems when organizing your paper. This doesn’t mean copy the previous theories and try to prove them as your original thoughts. Reviewing theoretical material should be a starting point to help guide your process.
Step 3: Determine your methodology
Choose whether to use original research, existing expert data, or a combination of the two
Before conducting any research, you have to determine what type of data you are going to use and how to obtain it. Most researchers use different types of research in their criminal justice paper.
There is primary and secondary research.
Primary research is performed using your own methodology.
Conduct surveys by preparing questions designed to gather necessary information about the targets.
Direct observations evaluate how targets behave and what they do in certain situations.
Secondary research is conducted by reviewing and analyzing existing peer-reviewed articles.
It is essentially using another person's research to prove your hypothesis.
Case studies investigate the issue by looking through police records, medical histories, court records, or life histories
Step 4: Conduct your research
Use your topic, theoretical material, and research question to create a hypothesis and thesis statement
Conducting research doesn’t start until you’ve devised a hypothesis and crafted a thesis and argument. Good papers focus on a single argument or set of arguments that are backed up with evidence.
Some criminal justice papers will make claims that are not backed by evidence. Stay away from statements that are subjective, opinionated, or aren’t backed up by evidence in the main content. It is one thing to say that prisons increase drug abuse in prisoners, but such a statement requires evidence and proof to make it valid.
Step 5: Document your findings
Use primary research or gather information from peer-reviewed journals and government databases
All sources, evidence, and research material should come from your own primary research or peer-reviewed data. Peer-reviewed means at least three experts in that field reviewed the data for honesty, integrity, accuracy, and accepted methodology. Evaluate your sources to make sure they meet all appropriate guidelines.
Stay away from research that is not reviewed by experts
All research used in your criminal justice paper should come from reputable sources that have been vetted by a board of review or are government-conducted research.
Good sources include United States government databases on crime statistics, as well as peer-reviewed journals and publications that feature cutting-edge and verified research on important topics regarding our subject.
Make sure to use only the most relevant and verified sources for our information. When it comes to the field of criminal justice and the law, there is a great deal of misinformation available that is incredibly biased. The last thing you want to do is write a criminal justice paper only to find out that the information used is inaccurate or out of date.
Additional resources to help polish your paper
Enhance your criminal justice research by evaluating peer-reviewed journals and government data at EBSCOhost
Learning to format your criminal justice paper isn’t very difficult, but sometimes new writers need a little help with the technical side of writing. Purdue OWL offers online resources that cover a wide range of formats, styles, and topics. The writing lab also offers writers practice material to help strengthen their skills.
Ultius also has put together sample papers that give writers a visual reference. These papers are written by professional writers in the field and show how to use citations, quotes, and visual elements.
Criminal justice writers can also find research tools at EBSCOhost. This service is often free through most library memberships and provides a large database of peer-reviewed journals, government records and data, and theoretical material created by experts in the criminal justice field.