Why Should You Order a Persuasive Essay from Ultius?
We’ve ensured that buying a persuasive essay from Ultius is a convenient, fulfilling experience. From order placement to delivery, we’ve got you covered. You can build your trust in Ultius by browsing our verified reviews, reading our samples and Company Blog, and verifying our reputation for yourself. When you’re ready, you can place an order using a mobile device or computer. Your order will have an secure online page to itself where you can communicate with your writer and track your order’s progress.
When the writer’s done, your purchased persuasive essay will be put through a rigorous editing and originality-checking process. Once you receive the order, you’ll receive free revisions and ongoing, 24/7 support until you’re satisfied. Along the way, you’ll work with our writers, who are highly credentialed academic experts with deep expertise in persuasive essays and other kinds of academic writing. Read on to see how and why you should entrust Ultius with your persuasive essay.
Free Amenities Coupled with Every Persuasive Essay Order
Once you buy model persuasive essays from Ultius, you receive various free amenities that enrich your experience from beginning to end. Before you even receive your final draft, it will have undergone rigorous internal editing and checking against the Copyscape database to ensure 100% originality. And a favorite answer to the question, “Why choose Ultius?” - after receiving your model work, you’re entitled to free revisions to ensure that your original essay directions were followed precisely. Before, during, and after the process of essay completion, you’re entitled to communicating with your writer using a dedicated order page, making the process of receiving your order transparent and painless.
Check out our internal quality guidelines below to see how our process works.

The Convenience of Buying from the Best
Ultius was designed with your convenience in mind. We know what you like:
- Great amenities from Ultius
- Mobile options
- 24/7 support
- Purchasing options
- Expert writers
- Secure verification (with 256 Bit SSL encryption)
- A crystal-clear process that leads to your model essay being delivered on time and based on your requirements
At Ultius, we’re committed to taking the pain and guesswork out of buying a persuasive essay sample. That’s why, with our flexible and convenient approach, you can use our platform to order any document preparation service at any time. What all of this means for you is less hassle and a high-quality sample order, delivered when you need it.
Persuasive Essay Writers and Quality
At Ultius, our main advantage consists of our masterful freelance writers. Our writers are:
- Overview of writer credentials
- Highly credentialed, from Master’s degree to PhD holders
- Skilled in a wide variety of academic disciplines
- Committed to communicating with you and ensuring your satisfaction on each order
- Americans
We put substantial effort into vetting our writers. We verify writers’ credentials, critique writing samples from them, and submit them to a rigorous interviewing process to ensure that they can meet, and exceed, our clients’ needs. No other writing marketplace platform takes such a thorough and conscientious approach to assembling and maintaining an expert team of writers. If you think you’ve got what it takes to be an Ultius freelance writer, head over to the Careers section of our website and learn more.
Ultius: Unmistakably Different
Ultius is a BBB-accredited, McAfee-secure business with customers in over 42 countries and a proud record of responding to each and every review we receive, in any medium. We’re committed to quality and removing friction between the writer and you, the client, and have introduced exemplary standards of professionalism to the our overall process.
Our job is not merely to connect you with a great writer but to ensure that our clients are satisfied with all components of their Ultius experience, which is why we pride ourselves on being a customer service-focused organization. Don’t take our word for it; browse verified reviews of Ultius for yourself to understand our difference.

Benefits of Purchasing a Professionally Written Persuasive Essay
Why would you want to buy a persuasive essay sample and work with an Ultius writer? There are three main reasons you should keep in mind. First, you’ll save time, as our writers are both prolific and deadline-driven. Second, you’ll benefit from expert help by working with someone who is not only a subject matter expert in an academic field but also an expert at the exacting craft of writing a persuasive essay. Third, purchasing a persuasive model essay is good for your academic and professional future, as you are more likely to obtain the outcomes you’re seeking—a better grade, for example, or the ability to graduate earlier.
Ultimately, you should purchase a persuasive model essay because you’re not a professional essay writer—you’re someone who’s experiencing a time crunch and needs help to get to the next stage of your academic or professional career. With our model writing help, you will have access to a reference document that will enable you to do your own work much faster. Now let’s learn more about the advantages of ordering your persuasive essay from the trusted Ultius Marketplace.
Buy a Persuasive Essay: Save Time, Eliminate Stress
As a person, you’re incredibly busy. You might also have a job or a family. You might be struggling with a difficult project and lacking the bandwidth needed to write a great persuasive essay. Maybe you already know what you’d like to argue, but you don’t know how it needs to be structured or where to find the sources.
Time is irreplaceable, so why sacrifice the most valuable commodity of all to write a hit-or-miss persuasive essay? Our writers can craft an excellent persuasive essay model to save you from the stress of not knowing how it needs to look, sound and be structured.
Skillful, Experienced Persuasive Essay Help
Writing an excellent persuasive essay requires specific skills in research, subject matter, and the crafting of a paper to specific standards. Our writers are not only experts in their academic fields; they’re also experts at the task of writing persuasive papers. Thus, when you work with an Ultius writer, you’re getting writing expertise from an expert, resulting in convincing and compelling purchased persuasive essays. Ultius writers possess a wide variety of academic credentials in every field imaginable, and they will put their expertise to use for you in writing stellar persuasive essays for sample use.
After You Buy a Persuasive Essay: What’s Next?
Unless you want to be a professional persuasive essay writer, there’s little point in dedicating so much of your time and energy to a hit-or-miss end result. You’re focused on the finish line—your degree, your career, your life goals. And just like the other tools and technology students require to be successful, working with Ultius brings you one step closer to those goals. When you buy a persuasive essay example and the writer completes it, they have your future in mind. Our writers are deeply vested in the success of clients; we want clients to succeed, to return, and to refer others to us, so we ensure that your persuasive essays meet your long-term goals.
If you need to contact us for any reason (to get support or questions answered), we're here 24/7 and have many different contact options for you.
Persuasive Essay Samples
Collectively, Ultius writers have produced tens of thousands of orders, and we’re proud to showcase samples of our work for you. Our high-caliber content differentiates us from the hackwork that’s all too common from marketplaces that hire foreign writers.
A search using our site-wide Google custom search will yield an expansive selection of services, sample essays, outlines, thesis statements, and the gamut of the intricacies of essay and research paper writing.
Please examine some of our persuasive essay samples to obtain an idea of just what we can craft for you. |
In Defense of Obamacare - Sample EssayThe healthcare reform package known as Obamacare contains the most sweeping set of policy changes to American healthcare in generations, giving rise to enormous controversy. This MLA-style persuasive essay sets out the arguments in favor of Obamacare, concluding that Obamacare was an appropriate response to contemporary American healthcare challenges and concerns. This kind of persuasive essay demonstrates how Ultius writers can generate work based on the types of current, trending topics that are often assigned. |
The Sexual Double Standard, Part OneThe first part of this persuasive essay on the sexual double standard is an excellent example of a persuasive essay on a very common topic, that of gender. This persuasive essay makes the case that there is in fact a sexual double standard and also presents a discussion of both root causes of, and feasible solutions to, the sexual double standard. Read this paper to see how persuasive essays differ from both expository and descriptive essays. |
Essay on Criminal Justice Reform in 2016A good persuasive essay marshals and utilizes appropriate evidence to convince the reader of the truth of a hypothesis. In this sample persuasive essay, the writer draws upon a wide variety of data, including a poignant case history of an unjustly sentenced individual, to make a point. Although this persuasive essay is relatively short, the depth and relevance of research make it a compelling read. |
Why America Needs Stricter Gun Control LawsThis persuasive essay stands out for a number of reasons, not the least of which is its appropriate, attention-getting title. The writer weaves together Constitutional, criminological, and policy-related arguments in order to present a strongly supported argument for the existence of stricter gun control laws. Read this persuasive essay to get a better idea of how multiple sources of argumentation can be brought to bear on a single essay topic. |
Abortion: Pro-Life - Courtesy of UltiusThere isn’t a more hot-button topic than abortion. This persuasive essay takes a pro-life slant. In many works like these, you might take a position that’s controversial to yourself or to your readers, which is why you should understand how good persuasive essays can make a case for unpopular conclusions. In reading the essay, you’ll also appreciate the overlap between a good argumentative essay and a good persuasive essay. |
Sample Essay From Ultius - The Importance of Food and Water Security One of the strengths of this persuasive paper is its smart use of subheadings in order to present multiple forms of support for the main thesis, which is that food and water security is the most important global problem. The use of multiple sections, arranged logically, is a way to keep a paper from appearing haphazard. However, writing this kind of document requires you to have a solid grasp of many different themes related to your point. |
Extra Persuasive Essay Writing Help
At Ultius, we’re passionate about sharing our writers' accumulated knowledge. Even if you’re not interested in buying a model persuasive essay from us, we want to leave you with free, useful tips and techniques for writing a persuasive essay.
The information below offers some insights into how our expert writers go about writing actual persuasive essays, so read on to learn more about what makes a good persuasive essay and highlights from our How To Guides on exactly how to write it. And remember: If you decide you need help on your persuasive essay after all, the 24/7 support staff at Ultius is waiting to help you with your sample order.
Convincing Persuasive Essays: A Basic Recipe
There are a number of tips you should follow to ensure that you write an effective and convincing persuasive essay. The following four tips are particularly important.
Persuasive Essay Writing Tips |
Combining these four tips, each of which has been described below, can help turn an ordinary persuasive essay into an extraordinary one. However, bear in mind that there is no substitution of really learning how to conduct your primary research, and these tips are just a foundation—you’ll have to do substantially more work to ensure that your persuasive essay is of high quality.
Take a Staunch Position
A persuasive essay must persuade the reader of something. Therefore, you have to clearly convey what you’re going to convince the reader of. If possible, put your position in the topic of your persuasive essay. Afterwards, ensure that your position is identified in both the introduction and conclusion of the persuasive essay. Leave no doubt as to what you’re trying to persuade your reader of.
Align Your Persuasive Essay Arguments and Positions
Once you’ve identified what you’re trying to persuade your reader of, ensure that the arguments you present align with this position. The evidence you present should be in favor of the thrust of persuasive argument. The evidence should be compelling, based in data (when possible), and should combine a logical as well as emotional appeal to the reader. Good persuasion draws on many kinds of arguments. Try and use the common forms of logic: logos, pathos and ethos.

Organize, Organize, Organize!
This is the hard part – understanding how your evidence should be categorized and presented. Amateurs and professionals alike often utilize the formatting services at Ultius to make sure there’s a logical progression in their arguments, and that similar arguments (for example, data-driven arguments) are grouped with each other. Maintain the use of transitional sentences so that readers understand the relationships between different themes in your persuasive evidence. Read over the persuasive essay several times to test its flow and cohesion.
Entertain and Refute a Counterargument
The very best persuasive papers go beyond persuading a reader by presenting evidence for a specific contention; in fact, the best papers also consider, and reject, counterarguments to the position that’s being defended. Remember that conclusively identifying your audience is key when considering counterarguments.
Entertaining and refuting counterargument demonstrates depth of persuasion, as you’re disarming possible objections to your position and also demonstrating how much research you’ve carried out for your persuasive essay, which will impress graders with your conscientiousness.
How to Produce an Exceptional Persuasive Essay
No generic tips here—the information below contains the high-impact guidance you need to create a great persuasive essay, whether you purchase a sample essay from Ultius or not. These tips have been gathered by the writers who wrote hundreds and thousands of persuasive essay samples that customers bought. There are four steps:
4 Steps to Producing Your Persuasive Essay |
Remember, most students already have the tools to write a good persuasive essay, but end up ordering sample writing services from Ultius when they fall short because they don’t understand how best to marshal their organizational and emotional resources. The tips below show you how to apply planning, strategic thinking, and even emotions to creating an excellent persuasive essay.
How to Compose Impeccable Persuasive Essays |
Get on the Reader’s WavelengthIt’s easy to recommend that you read the topic of the paper carefully and follow all the instructions. All of that follows naturally when you think from the reader’s perspective. You already have a lot of clues about your reader’s personality from your interactions with them. Is your reader data-driven, a stickler for APA format, or maybe big on citations? Chances are, your reader’s already given you lots of clues about what s/he wants to see in the persuasive essay, so begin by reviewing these clues and weaving them into your writing strategy. |
Start EarlyMany are capable of writing adequate persuasive essays, but very, very few can write a first-rate persuasive essay in a short timeframe. If you start on your persuasive essay as soon as you can, you’ll have an immediate edge, as you can do additional research, get the grader’s feedback based on early drafts, and write more compellingly for your audience. |
Front-Load the WorkThink of the persuasive essay like an iceberg. The paper itself is the part that’s above the water. What’s below the water is the reading, thinking, and research that have gone into the paper. The more time you spend learning about your persuasive essay’s topic, the easier it’ll be to write the research outline. Treat research and thinking time seriously, start early, and you’ll be in good shape when it comes time to writing. |
Engage!You already have a lot of the writing ability needed to produce a great persuasive essay, and, if you don’t, you can’t develop them overnight. What you can do overnight, however, is become engaged. Become passionate about your topic; find something about it that engages you emotionally. When you’re engaged, you’ll automatically spend more time researching and writing, and the writing itself will demonstrate something that can’t be faked, and that all exemplary persuasive writing needs—your genuine interest. |
Additional Persuasive Essay Writing Sources
There are plenty of additional references you should consider when writing a persuasive essay. Check out Copyscape or WriteCheck (a branch of Turnitin) for ensuring that your persuasive essay meets originality standards. Try Grammarly for checking your persuasive essay’s grammar and a citation program, such as EasyBib or EndNote, for automating your citations. The use of these tools can make an important difference in how your persuasive essay is graded. For example, if your class uses Turnitin, using WriteCheck before your submission can be the difference between an A and a paper failed for plagiarism.