Term | Definition |
Learning | Learning means to gain knowledge or information about something via firsthand experience or consuming data through listening or reading. Learning to obtain knowledgeLearning means to obtain knowledge or information by studying, being taught, or gathering knowledge through experience. Learning is accredited for enriching societies, advancing businesses, and helping college students pass those big exams. Learning to learn will help students better themselves throughout their life and career. In the United States, learning falls into one of the three categories: learning through association, learning through consequences, and learning through observation. Learning processes start in early childhood and follow people through their entire life. Common teaching practicesThere are three types of learning – visual, audial, and kinesthetic. Each of these learning styles dictates how a student obtains and retains knowledge. Visual learners obtain and retain knowledge by watching or reading the information. This learning style uses objects that are appealing to the human eye, including graphs, charts, pictures, and books. Students with this learning trait are often better note-takers. Visual learners also tend to be shy and need encouragement to participate in class. Auditory learners obtain knowledge by listening to their instructors and recording notes. They prefer teachers to tell them how to do something rather than see it or use a physical device. Students who have this learning skill often are better listeners. They prefer talking about a situation and express emotions verbally. Kinetic learners like to take a more hands-on approach to learning. They love getting their hands dirty and thrive on physical models, puzzles, and “building” aides. Students learning kinetically prefer for teachers to show them how to do something rather than explain the instructions. They love to try things out by touching, feeling and manipulating. Types of learningKinetic learners learn best by doing the work the hard way. They need direct involvement and may fidget when reading. They remember best what is done, not what is seen or heard. If images are used to teach these students, it must be accompanied by movement and showing them the physical side of how it is done. They are better able to understand information by writing it down or doing hands-on activities. As these students are easily distracted and bored, they will find reasons to move and need frequent breaks when studying. Students who use visual learning techniques often are very good at reading body language and has an above average keen sense. They can memorize information, follow lectures with presentations, and often prefer notes and books to recordings and physical examples. For example, special education curriculum uses short 10 minutes lesson plans, followed by verbal interaction, help auditory learners acquire and process information. This type of learner may want to listen to music while studying. On the other hand, they may get distracted by music. This style of learning focuses on reading notes aloud to memorize the terms, and students preferring this learning style likes things summarized for the. They pick up on aspects in conversations more easily, often have musical talents, and can study easier when playing soft music or have background noises. A visual learner understands material more quickly when they watch the professor solve a problem in front of them. They will process new information by reading, looking at graphics, or watching a demonstration. While learning is achieved from using several approaches, no one learner is the same as another. Instructors often find that blending the three learning techniques have better results than using just one. This is especially true for students with disabilities. For example, a kinetic learner may find it easier to study the solar system through interactive globes and planet models. But they also benefit from reading and hearing what each planet is capable of doing. This method helps more than relying on the kinetic learner to obtain information solely though touch.
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