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Learn about the different learning styles.

Term Definition
Blended Learning

In blended learning, some aspects of the educational program are delivered through computers, and the students have some control over when and/or where they will engage with these aspects of the program. Blended learning is different from a straightforward online program, though, because it the computer-mediated aspects of instruction are delivered within the context of a broader structure of traditional face-to-face instruction. Read more about distance learning compared to other traditional methods.

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Synonyms - blended-learning
Bottom-Up Language Learning

In bottom-up language learning, the student learns individual words and other basic elements of language, and then moves up to more complex structures of language. On the other hand, in top-down learning, the student begins with trying to a get a broad sense of the language as a whole, and then filling in the blanks as they emerge. Bottom-up language learning is common in schools, even though it may not really mimic how a child tends to actually learn language. 

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Synonyms - bottom-up-language-learning

Learning means to gain knowledge or information about something via firsthand experience or consuming data through listening or reading.

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Synonyms - learning

About The Author

This post was written by Ultius.

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