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Term Definition

A verb is a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence, such as hear, become, happen.

Overview of verbs

Are you curious to know more about the part of speech known as the verb?

We can help you with that. In truth, though, the verb is such a simple concept that it almost defies definition. It's like trying to define the word "word". 

The term verb refers to a category of words that convey the occurrence of actions. 

The verb, along with the noun, is one of the simplest parts of speech. Together, they form the simple basis of any and every sentence. 

The verb is usually conjugated in one of several ways in order to express the tense and meaning of a given sentence. 

Rules - When using verbs (with examples)

Here is an example of the verb being used correctly within the context of an actual sentence. 

"He went to the bar that evening, hoping that he would meet an interesting woman who would snap him out of his bad mood." 

This sentence contains verb after verb, and all of them are conjugated to express a specific meaning. 

Now, here is an example of the verb being used in a sentence in an incorrect way.

"The man sayed to his friend that he goed to the zoo the other evening, out of a sudden desire to look at animals."

In this sentence, the verbs say and go are conjugated in incorrect ways. 

In case you would like further information about what a verb is, here are a couple rules you can follow when making use of this fundamental part of speech. 

1. A verb is any word that conveys an action of any kind. It is the part of speech that conveys what the subject of a sentence (a noun) actually does. A sentence is fundamentally composed of the conjunction of a subject and a verb. This is the nucleus, as it were, of any and every sentence. Language cannot exist without the verb. 

2. When actually using the verb, the main thing for you to worry about is that you are conjugating the verb correctly within the context of a given sentence. In English, this primarily means that you will need to worry about tense and number. In other languages, you may also have to think about gender. 

Background information

In order to say anything meaningful about something as simple as the verb, it is necessary to refer to the essential and intrinsic structure of language itself. The fundamental purpose of language is to express an action performed by a subject (even if that action is something as simple and passive as just "being"). The fact that this is intrinsic to language probably says something important about the nature of the human mind and/or the nature of the human experience of the world.  

Something similar can also be said about the fact that it is impossible for a verb to exist without having a specific tense. This implies that temporal time (i.e. time with a past, present, and future) is also essential to the very nature of language and mind. The verb not only expresses an action, it expresses an action occurring within a specific context of time. This is why conjugations are so important: in order to use the verb effectively, you must learn how to put it into the correct tense (past, present, future, perfect, progressive, conditional) to express the specific meaning that you have in mind. 

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Synonyms: verb

About The Author

This post was written by Ultius.

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