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Emphatic Form

Term Definition
Emphatic Form

The present emphatic tense is formed by adding the basic present form of the verb to the present tense of the verb to do (do or does). The past emphatic tense is formed by adding the basic present form of the verb to the past tense of the verb to do (did).

Understanding emphatic forms

The emphatic form is constructed by combining some form of the verb "do" with the root form of some other verb. This has the effect of emphasizing the verb in question calling a greater degree of attention to it. 

You've probably used the emphatic form when someone has accused you of not doing something. You've probably said for example, that no, you "did take" the trash out. 

Rules to follow

Here is an example of the correct use of the emphatic form. 

"When the boss listed the reasons for his termination, the employee raised the contention that the judgment was inaccurate, because in truth, he did meet all his sales quotas. 

In this sentence the emphatic form consists of the phrase "did meet"; the word did emphasizes the main verb, meet. 

Now here is an example of the emphatic form being used in an incorrect way

"When he was asked about his plans for the weekend, the man told his friends that he did will stay at home and write his essay."

In this sentence, "did will" is an incorrect construction; you can't use the emphatic form with the future tense. 

In case you are still a little confused about the emphatic form while writing your research paper, here are a couple simple rules you can follow in order to make sure you are using it in the right way. 

  1. The emphatic form consists of you inserting some form of the word "do" before a main verb in order to emphasize the fact that something "did" in fact happen. The form is more commonly used in a negative way. That is, you would be more likely to say that your coworker "did not work" hard enough, than to say that you "did work" hard enough. 
  2. The emphatic form can only be used with the past and present tenses. This is because this form must address something that either has happened or is currently happening; it cannot be used to talk about something that has not happened yet. 

Emphatic form's influence on social functions

The emphatic form would seem to be associated with the social function of either judging the actions of others, or defending oneself against such judgments. This is perhaps most obvious with the verb "work": people can argue about how others did work hard enough, or about how they did not work hard enough.

The same is clearly true, though, with other verbs as well. For example, someone may say that you did drive drunk, whereas you may want to defend yourself by saying that no, you did not drive while texting. In all cases, the emphatic form calls specific attention to the given verb in question, and to whether it did or did not happen. 

The emphatic form is sometimes also called a grammatical mood, since it establishes a specific mood in which one is primarily concerned about establishing the facts of the matter. The emphatic form is similar to the declarative mood, in that both involve making statements about what really exists. But the emphatic form is also somewhat different insofar as the facts of the matter are contested, with different parties experiencing some level of disagreement about what did or did not actually happen.

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Synonyms: emphatic-form

About The Author

This post was written by Ultius.

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