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Brace - { }

Term Definition
Brace - { }

The usage of grammar braces follows a special set of rules that are fairly easy to learn. Braces, also known as brackets -- { } -- or parentheses, can be round, square, curly, or angled.

The difference between brackets and braces

Braces ({}), alternately referred to as curly brackets, are tall punctuation marks that are used in computer programming, music notation, and certain types of mathematical problems, but rarely in articles or literary texts. Braces are not to be confused with parentheses or brackets ([]), both of which serve different functions and play more important roles in English texts. 

The terms "brace" and "bracket" are sometimes used interchangeably, though they're not synonyms. Due to oft-arising confusion between braces and brackets, users are advised not to use the latter word in reference to the former marks without the word "curly" in front.

Using the term correctly

In mathematics, braces are used for the following functions:

  • The grouping of terms within a mathematical problem, in which the brace serves as the outermost mark: {a + b [c + d (e + f)]}
  • Different notation for the function of a fractional part: {x} = frac (x)
  • As a notation alternative for a ceiling function: {a} = [a]

Giant left braces are also used to lay out differing cases for an expression.

In musical notation, the brace is used to connect multiple staves, each of which contain notes that are played at the same time by an instrumentalist. Piano notation, for instance, features a treble and bass staff joined by a brace; this is known as the grand staff. The brace typically appears at the start of each line of music, though certain manually notated pieces show just one brace at the front of each page. The curly brace in musical notation is not to be mixed up with straight brackets, which are used to link the musical parts of different players in an ensemble.

Using braces in computer programming

Braces play a big role in C programming language, where their usage can be somewhat baffling for newcomers to the field. The opening brace ({) needs to have a closing brace (}) in order for the function to work. Some programs, like Arduino Software, allow users to keep track of their braces to ensure that each one is balanced in a set. When one brace is selected, its corresponding opposite is highlighted; this can be a vital tool in long programming scripts where coding errors are difficult to track down.

Programmers transitioning from BASIC language to C are often intimidated by braces, because the curly marks take the place of several other statements. Since the function of the brace is so wide, its function within the syntax of programming can be altered by the slightest line adjustment. Therefore, it's wise to insert the closing mark right after the opening mark whenever braces are needed in a programming assignment. With that secure, the inner code can then be added, without the risk of balancing errors.

Curly braces are sometimes encountered on Internet forums, where they're used to signify affectionate overtures, such as hugs. The direction of the brace indicates which poster is being hugged: an opening brace points to someone on the right; a closing brace to someone on the left. For instance, if a poster intercedes on behalf of a cyber-bulling victim, the hug might look like this:

Janette123: here, here, WillowboyAD93 }, don't let strikeNINE99 and aortatata618 get you down.

Even though curly braces rarely appear in English writing, they are used in certain informal texts to group off words in a given category when parentheses, brackets, and even arrows have all been used for other purposes.

Hits - 318
Synonyms: brace

About The Author

This post was written by Ultius.

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