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Prepositions are words that usually indicates a relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and other words within a sentence. 

Term Definition
Complex Preposition

A complex preposition is a word group (such as "along with" or "on account of") that functions like an ordinary one-word preposition. Complex prepositions can be divided into two groups: two-word units (a word + a simple preposition), such as apart from (also known as compound prepositions).

Hits - 485
Synonyms - complex-preposition
Double Preposition

Conceptually, the double preposition is very similar to the compound preposition: both consist of two-word phrases. However, the double preposition is formulated through the conjunction of two simple prepositions—whereas the compound preposition is formulated through the conjunction of a non-prepositional word and a simple preposition.

In practice, the compound preposition tends to signify spatial relation, whereas the double preposition tends to signify movement.

Hits - 476
Synonyms - double-preposition

About The Author

This post was written by Ultius.

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