The term “cold war” refers to a style of ideological conflict in which countries engage in short military conflict while keeping diplomatic relations. “Cold War” is the name given to the period of ide...
Ultius Blog
Political campaigns are not always won by the most qualified and effective candidate. It is an unfortunate reality that the modern media can, at times, play a huge role in the outcome of political cam...
A research was carefully analyzed and examined to clearly understand the controversy surrounding that question. Through the various responsibilities that take place within HR departments, there is a r...
The issue of whether or not working at night has negative health effects for human workers is a serious one. Questions like these can lead to billions upon billions' worth of lost production or poor e...
Lobbying is an integral part of how the American political system functions. Lobbying allows interest groups to express their views regarding particular subjects in the political system while allowing...
Though the initial though might be strange, there is much that can be said about the relationship between the ancient Greek thinker and the American civil rights leader. The purpose of this sample com...
Diversity and discrimination in America This sample essay will discuss how some forms of racial domination continue to plague America. While the United States has made tremendous strides in its quest ...
The Hmong are among the most fascinating people in the world. Their unique cultural experiences and practices make them one of the most intriguing people to study. Hmong interactions with the cul...
Warfare has always been dominated by an emphasis on disciplined, well-trained soldiers that can fight in some semblance of order. Disciplined soldiers have always been the core of any effective milita...
Mass shootings are an unfortunate reality. Though exceedingly rare compared to other crimes, school shootings captivate the imagination and horror of the entire population with the brutality of the cr...
Edith Wharton was one of the most prominent female writers of the 19th and 20th centuries and is well known for her impressive work that covers many different genres and topics. This sample critical a...
Aristotle is one of the most famous of ancient Greek writers. He noted that a tragic hero must, by definition, carry with him a fundamental flaw in his character that leads to his downfall. This sampl...
Fiscal policy is the source of much controversy in the federal budget. Deciding how much to spend and where is a highly politicized decision that has very significant real world consequences. This sam...
The Department of Defense has one of the largest budgets of any entity in the world, and there is a growing realization that the DoD is entirely based on the use of fossil fuels. If an alternative cou...
Philosophers love writing about morality, and Thomas Hobbes was no exception. Hobbes wrote long and influential works that aided greatly in the growth and understanding of man's morality. The followin...
Apple is one of the most successful modern companies and is the focus of many industry professionals inquiries into how a company can retain profitability for so long. This sample business analysis, f...
Transgender rights are on the cusp of mainstream acceptance if they aren't there already. Though transgender people are often bundled together with the LGBT community, there are certain issues that se...
National economic data is a hugely important aspect of government function. Interpreting what national economic data is significant, which parts are cause for concern, and simply understanding the bro...
Religion, art, and myth are topics that are fundamentally intertwined with painting. These are significant themes in art and can be used by their respective artists to put forth expressions of the utm...
Nurses man the front line of the battle for the welfare of medical patients. They are the often the first medical staff that is available to respond to a patient's needs and are intrinsically linked t...