At the present time (late 2014), the world is facing an ongoing outbreak of the Ebola virus. If a person were to only watch the news, though, one would gain little understanding of the pathways throug...
Ultius Blog
"The Sun Also Rises" is a novel set in Paris in the aftermath of WWI that explores the pleasure-driven lifestyles of the characters. This sample essay explores the differences between the novel and th...
Bulimia is a horrific affliction, and the disease has a massive impact on the lives of men and women alike. This sample sociology paper explores the impact bulimia has on society's perception of women...
Policing is not a clear-cut job, and there are many times when the individual discretion of an officer may need to trump the letter of the law. This sample criminology paper explores the level of pers...
Neoclassicism and realism are two prominent art styles that respectively emerged during the 18th and 19th century. This sample essay explains how both styles were mutually inspired by the emphasis on ...
It can be fairly simple to quantify the presence of racism in society and to outline clear examples of where it happens. This sample sociology paper explores methods and strategies to remove these pro...
The debate between nature vs nurture is widely considered to be one of the most important when it comes to psychology. Understanding the extent to which people are products of their environments or no...
Homelessness can be understood in the context of Conflict Theory, which holds that capitalism is the main reason for homelessness in the United States. This sample sociology paper explores the idea of...
Different fields require different research methods, and this sample paper explores the differences in methodology between sociology and anthropology. This is an example of undergraduate writing in ge...
Man’s views on science, God, and the Church have changed over the centuries. This sample religious studies essay explores Descartes' views of science and religion. Descartes' views on science and reli...